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Much like faith in a light switch doing its job, hoping to capture an image and wondering "Did the flash go off?" barely takes a moment, but it can give the illumination necessary to preserve an image for a lifetime.
It's a question I heard often at family gatherings - and one I continue to ask regarding my own flashes of brilliance: some underexposed, out of focus or perhaps not that bright after all. But every once in awhile . . . something clicks!

to the tunes . . .
Pent-up, Penned Out and Practically Published
I was a reclusive writer long before the pandemic.

Submitted by Question Marc the Historian

I challenge myself and promise you that the lists in this section will contain no more than ten items. (to be continued - does not constitute an eleventh item)

Photo-rama Drama
. . . that could be, but how many words would a picture of a dictionary be worth?
Old Questions
Submitted by Question Marc the Historian

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