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Much like faith in a light switch doing its job, hoping to capture an image and wondering "Did the flash go off?" barely takes a moment, but it can give the illumination necessary to preserve an image for a lifetime.
It's a question I heard often at family gatherings - and one I continue to ask regarding my own flashes of brilliance: some underexposed, out of focus or perhaps not that bright after all. But every once in awhile . . . something clicks!

to the tunes . . .

Marc Haney
Mar 61 min read
Who did not get the memo?
Not many of you should become teachers . . . (James 3:1)
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Marc Haney
Jan 281 min read
Kid Stuff
When I was a child . . . I was very childish But when I became a man . . . I learned that childlike behavior is - a requirement 1...

Marc Haney
Dec 30, 20241 min read
Not Band-Aids
God's promises are not a box of Band-Aids; they're more like vitamins. Happy New Year!

Marc Haney
Dec 15, 20241 min read
There's a Kind of Hush
Somewhere along the way Through the chaos leading to the holiday I ignored my obligation to join the Christmas rush And joined the quiet...

Marc Haney
Dec 13, 20241 min read
Seasonal Advertising Disorder
There is nearly a whole month between our annual day of gratitude, to pause and give thanks , and our rush to the celebration of...

Marc Haney
Dec 3, 20241 min read
Action Figures
Lest we forget, the phrase growing old - does include a verb.

Marc Haney
Nov 10, 20241 min read
Salad Bard
Slicing and dicing Carefully chopping away A fruity, fall garden salad “Did God really say . . .?” (Genesis 3:1)
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Marc Haney
Nov 8, 20241 min read
When You Pray . . .
Is it a picnic or a panic? You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows....
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Marc Haney
Oct 27, 20241 min read
Election Fright Night
. . . doesn’t have to be scary. IF you know the One who is absolutely, in absolute control of everything - and everyone. Of course, if...

Marc Haney
Oct 26, 20241 min read
I Love Being Smug
Theological eloquence Chronological snobbery A lethal combination I hate that I love being smug A silent way to judge Lifting myself...

Marc Haney
Oct 25, 20241 min read
The Parade Before My Eyes
The parade before my eyes Appears to be never-ending If seeing is believing Why go on pretending? All that pauses before my eyes Is not...

Marc Haney
Aug 11, 20241 min read
There was a time when . . . But that was then and this is not Thanks for the memories . . . forgetting what lies behind and straining...

Marc Haney
Jul 4, 20241 min read
Crucifying the Flesh
It’s a little like “wack a mole.” In this life the old man still pops up (almost any place we’re not looking). The better approach is to...
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Marc Haney
Jul 3, 20241 min read
My PHD* from MIT**
*profitless hours dithered **morbidly introspective thinking All this I have tested by wisdom. I said "I will be wise." but it was far...

Marc Haney
Jun 29, 20241 min read
. . . but what law school did he attend?
'There was a crooked man Who walked a crooked mile He found a crooked sixpence Against a crooked stile He bought a crooked cat Which...

Marc Haney
Jun 12, 20241 min read
Forget your wife . . .
. . . is your wife and remember she is your sister in Christ. Then, consider the wisdom, providence and grace God employed in creating...
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Marc Haney
Jun 12, 20241 min read
A Youthful Appearance or Scriptural Adherence
There are those people who mature gracefully without abandoning the childlike simplicity that is a prerequisite to entering the kingdom...
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Marc Haney
May 26, 20241 min read
What's wrong with this . . . picturesque moment?
Have you ever been around someone trying to describe a gorgeous sunset, or some other beautiful display of nature, and the best they...
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Marc Haney
May 15, 20241 min read
Exactly Who I Am
PLEASE check this out - especially if you've never heard it. Here is a link to a song I wrote, and did the lead vocal. It was produced by...

Marc Haney
May 7, 20241 min read
I Need to Know This (don't I?)
I read that protesters shouted at a man. I read that a governor claims she misspoke. I read that a coach screamed in a ref’s face AND...
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