New Year's Eve at the Empty Nest Saloon
Updated: Dec 1, 2022

The Best New Year’s Eve Party EVER . . .of the year - with special guests C.S. Lewis and George MacDonald! An intimate gathering in the newly christened Mannequin Cove, located on the top level of the Empty Nest Saloon, situated in the beautiful “out to pasture district” of North Topeka. Seating is limited so don’t even try to make a reservation. This event will kick off a double-barreled "words and wisdom fest" scheduled to last through all of 2023! The featured words and wisdom will come from: 1) Diary of an Old Soul: 366 Writings for Devotional Reflection by George Mac Donald and 2) George MacDonald: An Anthology - 365 Readings by C.S. Lewis. Lewis said that everything he wrote was influenced by the genius of George MacDonald. It's going to be MY kind of party!